Child Safe Policy

  • The staff and volunteers must respect persons and property and acknowledge that they: 
    1. Must be responsive and courteous to others and avoid improper use of their position; 
    2. Must avoid discriminatory and / or harassing treatment of others; 
    3. Must not swear or use inappropriate or crude language in the presence of, or towards others; 
    4. Must show integrity at all times and act in a manner consistent with a church representative; 
    5. Must respect privacy and protect the confidential information of others.
  • The church is committed to maintaining a drug and alcohol free environment with children and the staff and volunteers acknowledge that the consumption, sale of or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while working with children (other than properly prescribed and administered drugs) will result in dismissal and possibly a report to the police. 

  • In relation to behaviour, staff and volunteers acknowledge that they: 
    1. Must not be alone with children where they cannot be seen by other Church staff and volunteers;  
    2. Must not take a child to their home or visit a child in their home unless the visit is part of an organised activity for the group or in the company or consent of the child’s parents/guardian;  
    3. Must not make any sexual or crude innuendos such as suggestive looks, comments, jokes, sounds, display visuals, words, acts or gestures towards any child or Church staff and volunteers;
    4. Must not touch, hug, or kiss any person in a way that is inappropriate to the situation, or uncomfortable or confusing to the receiver; 
    5. Must not drive a child unaccompanied without gaining permission from child’s parents and the church leader in a direct position of responsibility; 
    6. Must not commit any sexual offence, sexual misconduct committed against, with or in the presence of a child (including a child pornography offence) or any assault, ill treatment of or neglect of a child or any behaviours that causes psychological or other harm to a child;
    7. Must report any behaviour suspected to be “sexual grooming” to the designated person.
  • In relation to counselling, staff and volunteers acknowledge that they: 
    1. Will not step beyond their level of competency or training;
    2. Will not encourage children to keep things hidden from their parents or other leaders;
    3. Will avoid counselling members of the opposite sex where possible; 
    4. Will always counsel in an open area in view of others, never in a closed room;
    5. Will only console if this is with the permission and or welcomed by the child;
    6. Will only console same gender of child and with another staff or volunteer within sight; 
    7. If a child makes a disclosure regarding any kind of harm, this disclosure must be divulged to church leadership (however the disclosure must not be revealed to any other person). 
  • In relation to pornography and sexuality, staff and volunteers acknowledge that they: 
    1. Will not view pornography; 
    2. Will not display, discuss or distribute pornography to colleagues or children; 
    3. Sexuality of staff and volunteers must be under the guidelines and Lordship of Christ;
    4. Will dress modestly, and not sexually suggestive. Insulting remarks or slogans contrary to Christian principles should not be displayed on clothing.   
  • In relation to occupational health & safety, staff and volunteers acknowledge that they: 
      1. Must not put themselves or others in danger; 
      2. Must not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything in the interests of safety;
      3. Must follow safe work practices and encourage others to do the same;
      4. Must be familiar with the operation and location of phones, first aid kits and fire extinguishers and should know the identity of the first aid attendant in their area;
      5. Must report all incidents and accidents;
      6. Must comply with the requirements set out in any risk management plan for any activity or special event. 
  • In relation to social media,  online and electronic communication, staff and volunteers acknowledge that:
    1. They Will not ‘friend’ a child on social media however, an adult may respond to a ‘friend’ request;’
    2. Primary online communication to a child should occur in ‘group chats;’
    3. They Will not send private messages to persons of the opposite sex, if information needs to be shared in this manner, a second leader of the same gender of the child should be included in the message;   
    4. The primary reason for an adult to communicate to a child online is to share information and basic encouragement;
    5. General social media use must fall under the Lordship of Christ;
    6. Will limit SMS to information sharing and basic encouragement. 
  • If there is a breach by any person, staff and volunteers agree to: 
    1. Report any suspected breaches of this Code of Conduct, or of the law by colleagues to the church leadership immediately;
    2. Take careful written records of any suspected breaches for future reference.